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GPA: 3.7
Dean's List Scholar
Relevant Courses: Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Information Retrieval, NLP, Algorithms, Computer System Organization, Operating Systems, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
· Developed a webhook proxy in Golang that emits metrics (time taken, success/failure, etc.) for every build created in the organization’s CI tool (Buildkite), and built a dashboard displaying those metrics for easy data analysis
· Designing 20+ REST API routes and relational database schemas to accelerate data labeling and analyzing by over 100 times
· Developed in FastAPI to create APIs for data manipulation and unsupervised learning on user-uploaded datasets that resulted in 30% growth in user volume on the platform
· Writing an automated microservice to suggest which dataset operations would optimize users' data clustering
· Developer for Cornell AppDev, an open-source project team powering apps that serve for thousands of users with members in Design, iOS, Android, Backend, and Marketing subteams
· Backend Developer (1.5 yrs): Developed Eatery, a dining hall menu app in Flask/GraphQL; and now developing Resell, a marketplace app in TypeScript/Express/routing-controllers
· Course Instructor (5 mos): Instructing CS 1998–the course on server-client architecture, database design, application deployment, containerization, and authentication
· Wrote a REST API in TypeScript/routing-controller that followed the Controller-Service-Repository pattern
· Faciliated deployment and conversation with frontend/design/PM as the lead backend engineer
· Led a 5-man team to develop a web app that recommends manga titles based on similar mangas and query keywords inputted by the user
· Wrote a Flask, PostgreSQL backend and Sklearn/Word2Vec machine learning (IR/NLP) algorithms for the recommending system (TF-IDF weighting, Jaccard similarity, and word embeddings)
Python, Java, OCaml, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, C++
Django, Flask, Node.js, GraphQL, Git, Docker, VS Code, Eclipse, Postman, PostgreSQL
Baseball, Piano